Norms, Creativity or Social Constraints? Questioning quality in community interpreting in public services

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Carmen Valero-Garcés


The evolution of Translation and Interpreting Studies as scholarly disciplines in the last decades shows a series of shifts from micro to macro approaches, from text to context, and from language to society. These shifts are also accompanied by the development or reinforcement of what could be considered new areas of study such as Translation and Interpreting in Public Services (TIPS)Sign Language InterpretingRemote Interpreting or Interpreting in Conflict. This paper concentrates on TIPS. The growing interest in TIPS is undoubtedly linked to the migration phenomenon; and the intervention of intermediaries who make communication possible is generally recognised. Despite this fact, the controversy regarding the role(s) these intermediaries perform appears to be a barrier to academic and institutional acceptance and recognition. Following the influence of Bourdieu’s social theory, it is my intention to apply it to TIPS in an attempt to explain the performance of these ‘visible’ interpreters.

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How to Cite
Valero-Garcés, C. “Norms, Creativity or Social Constraints? Questioning Quality in Community Interpreting in Public Services”. Linguaculture, vol. 3, no. 2, Dec. 2012, pp. 41-55, doi:10.47743/lincu-2012-3-2-276.
Author Biography

Carmen Valero-Garcés, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain

Carmen Valero-Garcés is a professor of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Alcalá, Madrid  (Spain), freelance translator and the Director of the Post Graduate Program on Public Service Interpreting and Translation. She is also responsible of the Research Group FITISPos® dedicated to training and research in public service interpreting and translation, and a founder member of Red COMUNICA (Permanent Observatory of Communication between Languages in Cultures in Spain). She is the editor of books and articles on interpreting and translating in public services, cross-cultural communication, interpreting and translating, SLA and Contrastive Linguistics. Her more recent publications are, Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos en un mundo INTERcoNEcTado (TISP en INTERNET/ Public Service Interpreting and Translation in a Wild Wired World (PSIT in WWW), (DVD) (2011), Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos en el siglo XXI. Avanzando hacia la unidad en medio de la globalización, Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting. Definitions and Dilemas (C. Valero-Garcés & M. Martin eds, 2008); Investigación y práctica en Traducción e Interpretación en los servicios públicos. Desafios y alianzas / Research and Practice in Public Service Interpreting and Translating. Challenges and Alliances (C. Valero-Garcés & al (eds.) 2008); Nuevo Mapa Lingüístico y Cultural de España: Retos del Siglo XXI en Comunicación Intercultural (C. Valero-Garcés y F. Raga eds. 2006, 2ed 2011).